Just a kind introduction

Hello everyone! 
Thought I would introduce myself, my name is Stacey. 
I am at that stage in life where I have hit a big red brick wall and I want to start doing something new and exciting. The one thing that I have always wanted to do is start blogging about may topics such as beauty products and providing reviews after trying them also I'm a very big believer in loving life to the fullest, also although I'm not very fashionable I would like to share my thoughts on the most up to date trends. 

I know it's not much of an introduction๐Ÿ™ˆ but I hope you all like what I blog about, I can't wait to show you all my thoughts on all things glamorous ๐Ÿ’ 

If you have any requests that you would like me to review/talk about, it could be anything (within reason). 

Before leaving don't forget to hit that subscribe button ๐Ÿ˜˜

I would love it if you could:
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter Stoooshie 
Like me on Facebook Stoooshie

Lots and lots of love from Stacey 

